Young Audiences, Inc - Arts for Learning "Words in Motion"
In this workshop, literacy learning is leveraged, or supported, by dance. The workshop finds the elegant fit between literacy strategies and dance and integrate instruction in ways that promote literacy learning through art. In this workshop, dance is used to strengthen reading skills.
For Teachers of Grades 3-6
4 hours of instruction time
Maximum number of workshop participants: 30
This workshop is designed to instruct teachers on how to assist students compose free-verse poems and choreograph them into dances. To prepare, students explore free-verse poetry and delve into the nuances of rich vocabulary and learn how prosody enhances the meaning of text. As a culminating event, students showcase their poetry and dances for an audience and reflect on their experience.
Literacy Components:
Vocabulary: The purpose of the vocabulary instruction is to develop deep and sustained word knowledge – to know words well, to explain them, and to use them. Vocabulary instruction begins in the context of poetry and then extends beyond the poems to explore synonyms, antonyms and nuanced understandings in relation to characters, contexts and personal experiences. In this unit, these nuances will be referred to as “word understandings.”
Prosody: Prosody is referred to as “reading with expression.” It is the variation of tone used when speaking or reading aloud and the emphasis given to certain syllables in a word. Prosody comes under the umbrella of fluency—the rate, accuracy and expression with which students read. In this unit, prosody is used to express understanding of words and poems.
Students explore the dance concepts of self and general space, levels, shape, and energy (sharp, smooth, swinging, shaking) and use these concepts to choreograph dances. Choreography is the process of planning and organizing movements into a dance. As choreographers, students conceptualize content, gather information, develop ideas and techniques, organize concepts and make choices, reflect, refine, and present.
View the accompanying PowerPoint Presentation Grades 3 - 6 - See Below
“Dance built the children’s vocabulary, provided another avenue for exploring and learning the concepts we were studying, built community, encouraged team work, built confidence as well as showed how well the arts can be integrated.”
- Elementary School Teacher
Copyright S. Harlan Brownlee: No copying or other reproduction of this work allowed without the express written permission of the author, ©2014.