Weather on the Move
"My teaching took on a whole-brain system, more well-rounded, more exciting for me and my students. Even my slowly inattentive students grasped the lesson and participated excitedly"

-Sandra Baker
Springfield, MO 

For Teachers of Grades 3-6 or Grades 6 - 8 
3 hours of instruction time
Maximum number of workshop participants: 30

Harlan Brownlee combines his training as a pilot with his experiences as a choreographer and dancer to create an interactive exploration of weather for students and teachers. Learn strategies that relate motions of the body and elements of dance to the structure of the earth's atmosphere, cloud formations, and the dynamic exchanges of heat and pressure that create wind and weather conditions.  Wear comfortable clothes for movement.

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Copyright S. Harlan Brownlee: No copying or other reproduction of this work allowed without the express written permission of the author, ©2019
View the accompanying PowerPoint Presentation Grades 6 - 8. 
In this clip, teachers are demonstrating a high pressure system

Video Samples From Weather on the Move
In this clip, teachers are creating a variation on the concepts of high and low pressure systems.

In this clip, teachers are creating another variation on the concepts of low and high pressure systems.