Dances for an Expanding Universe Workshops for Students
Learning Activities: Grades K - 4
The Stop & Go Structured Improvisation - Activity #1
Students will:
- Create a simple Stop & Go Structured Improvisation based on a specific curricular concept or objective.
- Use their bodies to communicate their understanding of a specific concept or idea.
- Make a connection between the dance concepts of shape, level, pathway, and locomotor skill and a specific curricular concept or objective.
Learning Activities: Grades 5 – 8
Newton’s Laws of Motion / The Gravity Dance Improvisation - Activity #2
Students will:
- Create a simple Gravity Dance Structured Improvisation based on Newton’s Laws of Inertia, and Universal Gravitation.
- Use their bodies to kinesthetically communicate concepts related to Newton’s First Law of Motion and Universal Gravitation.
- Make a connection between the dance concepts of kinesphere, spatial awareness, and pathway to communicate information about gravity and orbiting masses.
Our Solar System / Theme and Variation - Activity #3
Students will:
- Explore creating movement themes and variations related to the sun, the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and meteors.
- Use critical and creative thinking skills to communicate with movement and dance, characteristics and movement patterns of objects in the solar system.
Copyright S. Harlan Brownlee: No copying or other reproduction of this work allowed without the express written permission of the author, ©2014.